Sunday, July 18, 2010

All a girl wants is... love?

Note : written February 3, 2010 (Wednesday)

Girls always complain about how guys never do what they want. Guys stand there ogle-eyed, wondering what in the world they did wrong when they think they did nothing. But that's what they did: nothing. In this day and age, both parties need to work things out- the girl needs to tell the guy what she wants him to do, and the guy needs to put in his best effort to improve what he is told is desirable or lacking.

It's so frustrating to feel like you're the only one always reaching out. Doesn't that seem needy? But if you don't do anything, then nothing will happen because you know the other person in the relationship won't ask to meet up or hang out. So what are you supposed to do, just keep asking and bottling up that irritation at always being the one to suggest seeing each other? I mean, hermits aren't horrible people who need to get out more, but when you're in a relationship, being a hermit to the other side doesn't really constitute it as a relationship. Maybe more of a loner-ship, like.

When a girl dates, it's typically for the following reasons. First, she wants to be recognized and loved. This doesn't mean that other people don't do that already. It simply means that whatever happens, she simply wants to be recognized in a unique way, different from how the guy treats other girls. She wants to feel like he treats his girlfriends like friends, and her like the love of his life, as well she should be, since he had the guts to ask her out in the first place! There's this stigma that it's the chase that's fun, and once you snag someone, it's not fun anymore and you look for another potential target. If you're that type of guy, run from my vicinity. You will be going down. Guys that go out just to have fun deserve the girls that do just the same. Guys like you don't deserve the sweet, intelligent, funny self-respecting girl out there. You should go out with your own kind, the one over there on the dance floor wasted out of her mind, her revealing clothes falling all over the place. That's your dream girl. Leave that innocent girl for a guy who can make her happy and will actually get to know her.

Girls also want to be shown that they are loved. And there are different methods of showing such affection. It's not all about diamond rings and sables under the tree. It can help, sometimes, but just making sure you reach out and ask her how she is, ask her to hang out simply because you want to see her smile. Just because you think all this doesn't mean she knows you're thinking it. You need to go, take the initiative and tell her what you're thinking. It will help strengthen your relationship and honestly, who doesn't want that?

I could go on and on, and I'll probably keep adding to this post forever and ever, but I believe this post deserves it. This is a subject guys should read up on and girls should not be afraid to ask for because they think they're not worth it. Every girl is worth it.

From one reader to another,

BTW: listening to BRAND NEW fave song: "Statue" by lil eddie
this is amazing.

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